
Here’s what we have at the tip of Africa: landscapes and water networks recognised as globally important – but in many cases, very threatened.


And so we encourage research and monitoring across this 46,000-hectare area, for us to better understand how our natural resources change over time (and how we are resulting in that change).



We want to work with universities, colleges and other tertiary institutions. We’re excited to host and facilitate research projects here.

We already work closely with the Universities of the Western Cape, Cape Town, Stellenbosch, the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Cape Peninsula University of Technology and many more.

The list of potential research topics is endless. But here are some ideas:

  • Understanding the impact of the reintroduction of the hippo on the Nuwejaars wetlands and peat rehydration;
  • The threatened Nuwejaars Redfin Minnow – threats and conservation opportunities;
  • The relationship between invasive alien plants and birds of prey;
  • The African Marsh Harrier: are numbers increasing due to the invasive alien clearing?
  • The impact of floods on the Nuwejaars River and its tributaries;
  • The impact on water flow following the invasive alien clearing programme.
  • Spur-winged Goose demographics and impacts on farmers in the Overberg.
  • Southern Black Korhaan population demographics in the Overberg (including conservation management guidelines).
  • Finding the environmental corridors in the NWSMA, and the costs to rehabilitate these (desktop study).

Much research has already taken place here. Here are some examples:

The conservation team monitors the biodiversity of the NWSMA, compiling data records; while we also contribute to citizen science programmes:

Monitoring that we undertake includes: Bontebok population demography monitoring; Veld monitoring; Hottentot Buttonquail transect monitoring; Camera Trap monitoring (for species presence and absence). We’re also developing a monitoring protocol for the Southern Black Korhaan, working with Birdlife SA.

We contribute to the Coordinated Waterbird Counts (CWAC) records. We carry out a bi-annual water bird census and submit the data to CWAC.

>> Our Voëlvlei results

Get in touch

Get in touch with us to discuss research opportunities in the Nuwejaars Wetlands Special Management Area.

Email: or

Become a Nuwejaars Wetlands SMA volunteer

Get your hands a little dirty; become a ‘researcher’ on our wetlands, through our fun volunteering opportunities.

What does it entail? Well, help us monitor our birds, animals and plants (even snorkelling with our Nuwejaars Redfin Minnow).

For more information on our volunteering programme, contact:

Donors and partners


To our donors over the past financial year, we are incredibly grateful. Thank you for your support, enabling us to protect this irreplaceable area, and improve lives here:


Donors and partners

To our donors over the past financial year, we are incredibly grateful. Thank you for your support, enabling us to protect this irreplaceable area, and improve lives here:


Donors and partners

To our donors over the past financial year, we are incredibly grateful. Thank you for your support, enabling us to protect this irreplaceable area, and improve lives here:


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