Searching for wetlands wildlife:
Our Elim Primary School visit
The children of the Elim Primary School got to know the Nuwejaars wetlands – especially the frogs of our wetlands, during a recent environmental education outing.
The entire school joined the trips over a week in early November 2021. The environmental education teachings were provided by educator Gretha Engelbrecht. The trip was funded by the Hans Hoheisen Charitable Trust.
Children were introduced to the important role wetlands play, and to some of the species that live in the wetlands, including the Critically Endangered Micro Frog. This species was recently discovered in the Nuwejaars wetlands – only the fifth known subpopulation in the world.
Enjoy this video of the children getting their hands (and feet) a little wet in their search for wetlands wildlife.
The town of Elim is a member of the Nuwejaars Wetlands Special Management Area.
This small Moravian mission town is not only home to wonderful cultural heritage. They’re also protecting important natural heritage, from the wetlands and rivers neighbouring the town, to the Critically Endangered fynbos habitat found here.
Photographer Paul Andrews joined the NWSMA team during the environmental education outings, to capture the action.
Our thanks
Our sincere thanks to the Hans Hoheisen Charitable Trust for bringing this vision – to encourage our future wetlands custodians to protect this precious region – to life. And our thanks to the Zoetendal Wine Farm team (members of the NWSMA) for making their lovely stretch of the Nuwejaars River and wetlands available to us for the trip.
Every day we ...
Access our biodiversity
If we want to reach social and environmental sustainability, the Nuwejaars Wetland Special Management Area must achieve economic sustainability.
Teaching about nature
School outings are now being hosted to the Nuwejaars Wetlands SMA, where children can connect with this wondrous, intricate natural world.
Sustainable Agriculture
Traditionally private landowners in the Overberg have made their income from agricultural activities, like grain and livestock farming.